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Our Three Phases


Sober House Dog Gets a Bath

Why does a sober house have a program and how is your program set up?

After rehab, Right Path House structures each day because early recovery can easily be derailed. A planned day allows for an interesting and fun day.

We choose to open a three phase house. That means there is much less chance of relapse because we structure our recovery community as residents meet Life as they are able. It takes their team to collaborate and decide what ilevel is right. Because of this, residents who go to a phased sober living after rehab are much more likely to succeed at staying sober.

Like immersion in a foreign language, recovery living at Right Path offers women who choose to learn the language of recovery-integrity, friendship and self-awareness-an opportunity to become educated about their addiction while increasing their sense of being capable and empowered. In our three-phase model, we've carefully developed a simple three-phase program of increasing responsibilities and freedoms where 12-step, addiction therapy, reflection and many different types of recreation are the drug-free antidote to being bored, afraid or lonely.

Phase One

Like an oasis of quiet, each house can nuture a thoughtful and whole-hearted recovery. Right Path can help cultivate better physical health and improved relationships. As a new member of Phase I, a resident begins to learn how to break the pattern of isolation while staying away from risky places, situations and people. It takes time and practice for residents to develop the self-responsibility for their own recovery.

Settling In

As a new member of a household, there's a new rhythym to living to adjust to and new rules and new people. In Phase I, our staff welcomes each resident as though she was their own sister, mother, or daughter.


As A Member of a Household

There are people to meet and I do my chores regularly and clean up as I go. I cook dinner with care and help clean up every evening. I speak up in an appropriate manner. I do a favor for someone every day without telling anyone.


As a Person with Excellent Self-Care

I am nesting. I make my bed every day and keep my room neat. I consider other people and clean up behind me as I go. I take the time to pause and refresh and see things differently. I don't make plans without talking it over and I don't go places I don't belong.


As a Seeker of Wellness

I am conscious of what I eat. I can use my recovery skills to manage anxiety and anger. I can start my day over whenever I want to and do so whenever I need to. I exercise daily and I mediate in the morning and in the evening. I attend group and individual and if needed, trauma and/or family therapy.

As A Learner

I learn about addiction and how it has effected me and the people I have affected by my addiction. I learn how to break the isolation.

Phase Two

There is a marked different between the woman who is beginning phase two and the woman she was when she intia entered. She has become a Member in Good Standing of the House because she is optimistic about recovery. She knows when she is off the beam and can identify old behaviors because they don't feel right anymore.

Trips Home are collaborations between therapist, family members, sponsor and staff.​

As A Limited Driver

We have grown to enjoy being in recovery and often use our recovery skills throughout the day and to decompress ourselves. We regain use of our car with limited driving privileges. We get a part-time job or return to school and can drive ourselves to medical or therapy appointments We regularly use an Intoxaloc or Sober link device.


Recovery Life Continues to Improve

We'll be working regularly with our therapists, our sponsor and our coach while attending therapy, going to to meetings and attending our mandatory house meetings. Learning to avoid the creation of drama in my life as my abilities to tolerate feelings



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